Sunday 9 August 2015

warning : non Guide Dog Post. A bit about me. (part 1)

Hi there.

People have an odd perception of sight loss; they expect sunglasses, comlpletely blind & boring. Others may have other ideas. 
When you tell people what has caused it - they tell me I am a bad diabetic - which isn't true.

My sight loss journey began just over four years ago, I had some low level issues being treated what doctors call mild retinopathy (damage to small vessels in the back of the eye) - I had laser coagulation (this stops or slows blood vessels from leaking), however this treatment can cause issues with peripheral vision & night blindness. 

In 2011, a lot happened. My Dad was diagnosed with extensive oesophageal and stomach cancer the year before, he had chemotherapy and radiotherapy but it did not resolve issues relating to the cancer. My Dad passed away in the Summer - I am thankful I was there. Totally heartbreaking, I still miss him and always will.

Unfortunately, my relationship also broke up. I am fortunate that I can class Stavros as my best friend still - we have a mutual respect that is still strong.

Then I had an accident, I was getting off a bus about 7pm in Autumn and due to the dusk insets, I was swiped by a cyclist leading to a mild concussion. This was my moment that I needed help - I realised I was losing my night vision and peripheral. I was scared & angry.

I have had a lot of issues in reference to getting support and being treated correctly according to the rapid deterioration. Including delays in treatment & pushing for cane training training. 

In early 2013, my right eye had severely deteriorated to from 6/36 (poor vision) to just light perception. I had a series of retinal bleeds leading to a traction of the retina and macula. I was at risk of losing my sight completely - the consultant recommended an operation to sort the damage out called a pars plana vitrectomy but there were delays. I went to Moorfields in the end, was told that there is little chance  of recovery - I went through hell during the weeks leading up to the op and post op - face down positioning for 5 days, post op pain and left only with some light perfection.

My life had changed, I promised my Dad that I would fight every battle & I did. I still will!

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